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Moving with Preschoolers: What to Do Before, During and After the Move

While it is hard to overcome the stress of moving as an adult, it can be twice as hard to a preschooler. Follow these tips to make the transition easier for you and your little one.
Before Moving Day
 Moving is an Adventure
Give your child plenty of reasons to look forward to moving day. Tell stories about the park in your neighborhood or the room that he is getting. Even if you are not excited about relocating, your child should be the last person to sense your worries.
Keeping Comfortable
Leave your child's favorite item unpacked. Whether it's a toy or a pillow, encourage your little one to keep it close all the time. This allows them to stay comfortable during the transition.
On Moving Day
Cozy as it ever was
Set up the child's bedroom as soon as your reach your new home. Design it the same way as in the old bedroom. The goal is to make the new home look and feel familiar. So when your child wakes up in the morning, he won't feel strange.
After the Move
On the Same Routine
As much as possible, don't try to change your routine. Let your child take his usual afternoon nap and read him bedtime stories. While you are doing everything you can to not upset your child, it is still important to maintain discipline in the house. Comfort limits must be set.