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How to Pack Books-- A Step-by-Step Procedure

Have you ever found your most treasured books ripped and wrinkled after a move? Here's a great way to keep your repertoire in good form even after a long distance move. Step 1: Have all supplies, such as professional packing tape, bubble wrap and markers lined up next to your boxes when packing. Step 2: Select a sturdy box for storage. Step 3: On one end of the box, fold the smaller flaps first followed by the larger box flaps. Step 4: Squeeze the gaps tightly and secure it with a packing tape. Begin taping the box down the seam of the flaps, going all the way down the box length. Continue across the bottom and should end in approximately five inches on the other side. This will create a secure, tight seal. Step 5: Turn it upside down and start arranging books. Step 6: Arrange the books in two major groups: (a) hardcover and heavy books by height (b) Paperback and light books by height. Step 7: Place the books inside the box standing upright, spine against the box's side, just like you were placing it on a shelf. Make sure the box is packed tightly. Step 8: Finally, fill the remaining spaces with bubble wrap or crumpled paper to prevent books from shifting easily during the move. Step 9: Secure the box with packing tape and label it with either its general contents or the room in which it needs to be placed.