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Why Moving Houses is Opted over Building a New One

Most of the times, many people would wonder as to why people are moving houses altogether and not just selling the old house and moved in into a new one. Well, some of the known reasons are state below: a. There is emotional investment that is made between the owner and the house.  This makes moving houses more preferred compared to building a new one.  When people get attached to something it becomes hard and difficult for them to leave and get away with it.  b. There is the financial aspect that makes the decision a lot easier.  Ask a person about building a new house that will be 4x as expensive as moving houses and they will immediately tell you that they would rather have the house moved instead of building a new one. c. There are more options on house moving compared to buying a new one.  When you move your house, you get to have all the best options that you want.  Compared to building a new house, the options to moving house are diverse and vast.   These are just some of the top reasons why moving houses is more preferred and opted compared to building a new one.